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In Maple class, we welcome the transition of children from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2. We understand that it is a big step for children. We nurture them as they become more involved in independent learning and begin to take more responsibility. 


As the curriculum becomes more comprehensive and challenging, the children continue to learn a wider range of topics, and delve deeper into the core subjects with grammar, spelling rules, more advanced reading skills, the incorporation of a variety of text type and genres for their reading and writing skills, mathematical concepts and scientific principles. In the foundation subjects, the children can further explore concepts in history, geography, computing, art and design technology. New to them will be the learning of a modern foreign language. They will have the opportunity to learn to read musical notation and play an instrument with a specialist periplectic teacher of music as well as continue music lessons with the class teacher. 


We pride ourselves as a forest school, and at least once a week, Maple class go outside for outdoor learning. Outdoor learning allows us to explore deeper our PSHE and RSE provision, good for well being and mental health and developing our spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. 


At KS2, the children build on their multiplication knowledge of arrays and begin to practise daily their times tables. With the Tackling Tables scheme, and multiplication tables check (MTC) practise, we prepare the children for their statutory assessment in year 4 for their online MTC. 


In Maple class, we tailor our learning and cover the national curriculum objectives through our termly topics. Through this creative topic-based approach, the children learn everything they need to know and more, in an engaging, exciting, and fun-filled way. 

Looking after each other like the

Prodigal Son shows us! 

Maple Class
Years 3/4


Miss Claxton - Class Teacher
Supported by Mrs Raynor, Miss Page 
and Mrs Wallis

Click below to see our two year

rolling planning for each term.

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